PIC 16x84 Basics

[Introducing PIC] [Microcontrollers] [Animated Tutorials] [Webseminars]


Introducing PIC

What is PIC?

The PIC is a small computer.

The PIC 16x8x Family.

What Dose the F,C,CR & LF in the
     PIC device number mean.

Special Features of the PIC 16f84

Design of the PIC16x8x.

Memory Arrangement.

Special Function Registers (FSR)

Flash Animated Tutorials

Simplified animated tutorials for the PIC microcontroller (English Only!)

Free PIC Books

Animated Book Creme de la Creme of PIC Books absolutely Free!.

Added 25/11/2007

What is a Microcontroller

Microcontroller InteriorBasically, a microcontroller is a device which integrates a number of the components of a microprocessor system onto a single microchip.
So a microcontroller combines onto the same microchip:
The CPU core
Memory (both ROM and RAM)
Some parallel digital I/O


Electronics Basics

Vacuum TubeAlmost all electronics components either generate, store, control or switch electricity in someway. A circuit is made of various components that act together to produce a desired effect. There is a lot to learn about electronics and you may never truly understand everything about the subject.


Electronic Components

  • Resistors

  • Capacitors

  • Inductors

  • Vacuum Tubes

  • Diodes

  • Transistor



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Guide to Picmicro Microcontrollers

Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers

Picmicro Sourcebook With Projects

PIC Microcontroller Project Book : For PIC Basic and PIC Basic Pro Compliers

PICmicro Microcontroller Pocket Reference

Programming PIC Microcontrollers with PICBASIC (Embedded Technology)

Design With Pic Microcontrollers

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Osama Mneina

Last Update: 16/12/2014